As seen in the February edition of the Chamber Voice, the 2018 Annual Report offers a summary of each Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce division’s accomplishments in 2018. An extended version of each division will be profiled on the Voice of Business Blog. The first department summarized is Community Development.
- The NWA Emerging Leaders Young Professional Summit grew by 25 percent with a total of 375 young professionals attending the YP Summit.
- Rogers Cycling Festival grew by 15 percent. This year, a total of 810 cyclists participated in eight (8) events.
- The NWA Emerging Leaders Lunch with a Leader program had over 100 participants.
- The NWA Emerging Leaders held two Nonprofit Board Service Certification Programs with a total attendance of 60 participants.
- The NWA Emerging Leaders total membership grew by a total of 32 percent.
- Leadership Benton County took in 52 applications. Only 30 of those applicants were accepted into the program. The new process is attracting a higher quality participant.