The House Republican Steering Committee has recommended that Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR) be named chairman of the House Budget Committee, to succeed Rep. Diane Black (R-TN). House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) issued the following statement:

“I believe Steve Womack is the right man for the job of chairman of the Budget Committee. Steve’s experience in the House, commitment to fiscal conservatism, and relentless pursuit to safeguard taxpayer dollars make him extremely qualified to lead this important committee. I am looking forward to Steve’s service, and I know he will do an excellent job.

“I also want to thank Diane Black for her incredible years of service. Without her leadership in getting the budget passed last year, tax reform would not have been possible.”

“I’m honored to be selected by the Steering Committee as the next Chairman of the House Budget Committee,” Womack said. “There’s no doubt it’s a huge challenge – I’m excited for the chance to lead such an important committee in pursuit of a budget resolution that will address our nation’s priorities while putting America on a sustainable fiscal path.”

NOTE: This recommendation will be presented to the full House Republican Conference and will be considered on the floor for official ratification.