We have been so fortunate (ok, deliberate) in attracting world-class dining establishments ranging from well-known national chains to unique local restaurants to our community. But if we want to keep all this variety, we have to put our money where our mouths are, or maybe our forks…
With that in mind, we’ve been working at the Chamber on a new BuyNWA initiative to support our member restaurants, which we’ll officially launch on May 1. (Not familiar with BuyNWA? Visit http://www.buynwa.biz/!)
1. We will mail and e-mail lists of member restaurants to our members and make them available to the public via our website and social media to as a reminder of our community’s vast choices. These lists will reach more than 2,010 member businesses through our monthly newsletter (4,200 recipients) and weekly e-mail (2,750 recipients).
2. We will prominently feature restaurant lists on our websites and social media. The public asks us where to eat – we want to help them find restaurants throughout our community!
3. Best of all, we will promote and distribute electronic and printed coupons for our member restaurants at no charge to you! To participate, visit the Members Only section of www.RogersLowell.com or contact Shelle Summers (479.619.3187 or ssummers@rogerslowell.com).
In addition, look for our Ambassadors About Town dining monthly as a group at member restaurants (don’t worry, they’ll call ahead). We are truly excited about the potential benefit to our restaurants, and encourage you to support them! Let us know what you think.
This is a great way to get the word out about our wonderful smorgasbord of restaurants! I’m looking forward to the restaurant lists and coupons.